
CPPCOM4002 – Implement safe work practices in the property industry

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    Course Overview

    This unit specifies the skills and knowledge required to apply work health and safety (WHS) practices and measures to manage risks to self, others and property while working in the property industry.

    This unit is for individuals who work independently using specialised knowledge and skills in a range of property services sectors and organisations and workplace contexts. Workplace contexts may include the office environment or client sites during inspections. It involves completing routine and non-routine tasks and dealing with predictable and sometimes unpredictable problems.

    This unit covers:

    • Workplace Health and Safety (Legislation, Regulations and Codes of Practice)
    • WHS Risk Management
    • Application of work health and safety requirements
    • Improving work health and safety practices in your organisation
    • Protecting property and information
      Learning Outcomes

      At the conclusion of this unit the learner will be able to:

      • Identify and source relevant legislation. regulations and codes of practice for the jurisdiction they need.
      • Identify key steps in a risk assessment process and the process to mitigate risks.
      • Recognise and describe the purpose and contents of SWM’s and JSA procedures
      • Identify and apply typical risk control measures
      • Define an emergency action plan and its purpose
      • Identify and understand the types of PPE used for thermal performance assessors and home sustainability assessors
      Course Fees and Funding


      Support and Delivery

      Transformed offers flexible training and assessment options which allow participants to fit in their training program around work and other commitments. Transformed offers two flexible learning pathways to enable participants to complete this qualification. They are: 

      1. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) – this pathway involves assessment only, assessing evidence of existing skills and knowledge against the competency standards.
      2. Online Learning – The learning environment provides access to study guides, assessment materials & submission links and online support from your assessor
      Course Duration

      40 hours

      Student Profile

      This unit is designed for those new to, or with an interest in conducting Residential Efficiency Scorecard Assessments including:

      • Existing NatHERS Assessors
      • Architects and Draftspersons
      • Builders
      • Building Designers
      Career and Salary

      Information coming soon

      • Various work-based assessment tasks; and
      • Completion of written question and answers.

       Assessment for the units requirement is against the competency standards within the CPP Property Services Training Package.

      Student Information

      For more details on Transformed and student obligations, services provided and general information about your chosen course read our student information handbook