5 things you need to do now to prepare for anti-bribery and corruption reforms in 2019
Are you ready for the upcoming anti-bribery and corruption reforms? Hot on the heels of the new modern slavery legislation, new laws are set to get tough on foreign corporate bribery. For example, the Crimes Legislation Amendment (Combatting Corporate Crime) Bill...
Women in Procurement and Supply Chain Conference 2019 – Conference Wrap Up
On 29 April and 1 May, Transformed exhibited at the Women in Procurement and Supply Chain Conference 2019 held at the Pullman Hotel Sydney. The conference is in its 5thyear and brings together over 140 individuals from all levels of procurement in the private and...
Modern Slavery Act: What procurement managers need to know
Australia’s first federal Modern Slavery Act became law as of January 1, 2019. So, what does it mean for procurement managers and what should you be doing now? Modern slavery is very real. According to the Australian Human Rights Law Centre, there are around 25...
More than just buying: Why Procurement Really Matters
More Than Just Buying: Why Procurement Really Matters What’s the difference between procurement and purchasing? If you’re struggling to answer the question, you’re not alone. Many people use the terms interchangeably or mistake procurement for purchasing. It’s no...
What every project manager really needs to know about procurement
Procurement can make or break a project. Think about it: Almost every project will require you to obtain good or services from third parties. Procure the wrong goods, or get stuck in a bad supplier relationship, and your project budget and timelines can spiral out of...
Out With The Old: Why You Need An Asset Disposal Plan
Every year millions of dollars are spent on new equipment, computers and assets. But little thought is given to how the organisation will dispose of the assets they’re replacing. As a result, thousands of dollars are wasted while piles of unwanted equipment clutter...
Value For Money: What Does It Mean And Why Is It Hard To Measure?
Obtain the best possible value for money – that’s the overarching goal of procurement for any organisation. But what does “value for money” actually mean? And is it possible to measure the value for money achieved? What is value for money? Value for money (VFM) is a...
Procurement and contract management skill levels
Procurement and contract management skill levels have recently come to the fore with a number of high level reports highlighting deficiencies in current practice and recommending training to improve the situation. A recent ANAO a report recommended procurement...